Debutant writer-director Balaji Mohan makes an impressive debut with his tale of love and forgiveness, developed from his nine-minute short film 'Kaadhalil Yeppadi Sodhappuvadhu' (How to screw up in love) that went viral on YouTube some time ago. There is nothing new in the boy-meets-girl, falls in love, fights with her and then tries to woo-her-back story; what is new is the light and frothy look at romance and relationships among the Facebook generation. The screenplay is cleverly written and the director ensures that at no point, value judgments are made with regard to any character. The dialogues are written in an easy, conversational tone and are sure to strike a chord with youngsters. And for the not-so-young, there is the cute side story of Parvathi's parents, played by Suresh and Surekha Vani.